Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March's Daffodil.

Spring is here! The strong Daffodil prevails and blooms even after the harshest of winters.

In ancient herbalism and medicine the Daffodil was used in a type of Aromatherapy. It's a natural intoxicant. So for those with overactive minds, anxiety, stress... the scent of this yellow treasure was said to mellow out minds.

The color yellow itself is enough to center yourself. When you think of yellow, you think of joy, vitality, energy, the sun! It has a lot of life-giving attributes.

This little trumpet shaped blossom meanings are: Honesty, truth, forgiveness. Give daffodils to someone when as a token of forgiveness or a token of appreciation for their honesty.

Check back next month for your Birth Month Flower!

Happy Birthday to later Pisces and early Aries!

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